Hello Lovelies!
Je vous retrouve aujourd'hui, non pas pour un nail art, mais pour un nouveau genre d'article: Les actus à ne pas manquer !
Dans ces articles, vous trouverez un petit recap de ce qui s'est passé dans ma vie de blogueuse récemment que j'ai envie / que je trouve utile de partager avec vous.
Vous êtes prêts ? C'est parti !
Here I am today, not for nail art, but for a new type of post: the not to be missed news!
In these posts, you'll find a little recap of what happened in my blogger life recently that I want to / I find useful to share with you.
Ready? Let's go!
[Nouveau projet / New concept]
Tout d'abord, cette semaine (enfin plutôt la semaine dernière en fait, mais je n'avais pas vu son message --'), j'ai été contactée par Laura qui m'a présenté un nouveau projet, le projet Nail Art Box (NAB pour les intimes).First of all, this week, (rather last week actually, but I did not see her message --') I was contacted by Laura who introduced a new concept, the Nail Art Box concept (NAB for those in the know).
C'est quoi ce projet ?
What is this concept?
Le projet Nail Art Box consiste à créer une box beauté entièrement dédiée au nail art ainsi qu'un site collaboratif et ça, j'acheeeeeete !
The Nail Art Box concept is to create a beauty box entirely dedicated to nail art and a collaborative website and to this, I say yeeeeeees!
La box sera divisée en trois niveaux (débutante, intermédiaire et confirmée) et contiendra un tutoriel ainsi que les produits nécessaires à sa réalisation pour un montant d'environ 20€
Le site, quant à lui, fonctionnera comme un blog géant ou vous pourrez poster vos photos, tutos et échanger avec d'autres passionnées !
The box will be divided into three levels (beginner, intermediate and confirmed) and will contains a tutorial and everything you need to achieve it for about 20€
The website will work like a giant blog where you can post pictures, tutorials and share with other passionates!
Pour encore plus de détails ou pour soutenir le projet, retrouvez Nail Art Box sur le site, Facebook et Twitter !
For more details or to support the project, you can find Nail Art Box on their website, Facebook and Twitter!
Ensuite, cette semaine, j'ai également été interviewé par Lucile du blog Lucile avec une aile. Si vous avez loupé son article, vous pouvez le retrouver en Français ici et pour mon lectorat anglophone, je vais vous traduire notre échange ci-dessous :)
A couple days ago, I was interviewed by Lucile from the blog Lucile avec une aile. If you missed her article and are interested, you can find it here in French and I am going to translate the whole thing in English below :)
Can you tell us a few words about you to introduce yourself?
I'm Marine, 23, Masters student in Linguistics. I love a lot of things like TV shows , cinema, Maroon 5, pandas, make up in general but especially nail polish so I decided to go on the adventure and open my nail art blog: Marine Loves Polish.
Why this blog name?
Before the blog, I already had a Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram account that matched my first name and the initials of my last name and I wanted people to find me easily so I decided to find a blog name that would match my initials and that would stick to the topic. Marine LP naturally became Marine Loves Polish :)
Since when do you blog and what this adventure has given you?
I blog since 01.08.2013 so one year and a few months and I absolutely do not regret having embarked on this adventure. I met ( and I still do) pretty amazing people, I was able to share and interact with people who have the same passion, I discovered new brands and I even got to test some with partnerships. Happiness !
Have you been inspired by other bloggers?
I discovered the blogosphere thanks to the amazing Louise of Sprinkle Of Glitter and even if our blogs are different and I opened mine well after discovering her, I think that she has inspired me somehow :)
How much time do you spend on your blog?
This varies greatly depending on the day of publication, the inspiration, the number of photos to be processed or the number of questions and comments left . If I have to give you a number , I would say 2 to 3 hours per day .
What icons inspire you?
I find inspiration everywhere (fashion, music, tv...) so no special icons.
What is your favorite NPA trick?
Being a NPA means changing our nail polish quite often and using nail polish remover that tends to dry your skin. My trick? Moisturizing your hands with a little nails/cuticles massage before going to bed.
What is your favorite product?
Glitter top coat, it can take a manicure to a whole new level!
What is the product that disappointed you the most ?
I would say nail patches, none has kept its promises when it comes to wear power.
Advice for a reader who wants to open a blog?
To just go for it as there is nothing to lose and do not forget to blog for yourself, do not let the pressure or nasty comments get to you, blogging should be fun!
Do you have any future plans for your blog?
No specific projects but I am open to any suggestions :)
I just know that I will continue to keep this little blog as long as the desire will be there :)
Oh yes! I would love to change the blog design but I suck at it so if there are any kind souls... ;)
One last word?
Thank you Lucile for thinking of me for this new section and thank you to all my readers (and male readers as well, I know there are a few) without whom the blog would not be what it is! ♥
Can you tell us a few words about you to introduce yourself?
I'm Marine, 23, Masters student in Linguistics. I love a lot of things like TV shows , cinema, Maroon 5, pandas, make up in general but especially nail polish so I decided to go on the adventure and open my nail art blog: Marine Loves Polish.
Why this blog name?
Before the blog, I already had a Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram account that matched my first name and the initials of my last name and I wanted people to find me easily so I decided to find a blog name that would match my initials and that would stick to the topic. Marine LP naturally became Marine Loves Polish :)
Since when do you blog and what this adventure has given you?
I blog since 01.08.2013 so one year and a few months and I absolutely do not regret having embarked on this adventure. I met ( and I still do) pretty amazing people, I was able to share and interact with people who have the same passion, I discovered new brands and I even got to test some with partnerships. Happiness !
Have you been inspired by other bloggers?
I discovered the blogosphere thanks to the amazing Louise of Sprinkle Of Glitter and even if our blogs are different and I opened mine well after discovering her, I think that she has inspired me somehow :)
How much time do you spend on your blog?
This varies greatly depending on the day of publication, the inspiration, the number of photos to be processed or the number of questions and comments left . If I have to give you a number , I would say 2 to 3 hours per day .
What icons inspire you?
I find inspiration everywhere (fashion, music, tv...) so no special icons.
What is your favorite NPA trick?
Being a NPA means changing our nail polish quite often and using nail polish remover that tends to dry your skin. My trick? Moisturizing your hands with a little nails/cuticles massage before going to bed.
What is your favorite product?
Glitter top coat, it can take a manicure to a whole new level!
What is the product that disappointed you the most ?
I would say nail patches, none has kept its promises when it comes to wear power.
Advice for a reader who wants to open a blog?
To just go for it as there is nothing to lose and do not forget to blog for yourself, do not let the pressure or nasty comments get to you, blogging should be fun!
Do you have any future plans for your blog?
No specific projects but I am open to any suggestions :)
I just know that I will continue to keep this little blog as long as the desire will be there :)
Oh yes! I would love to change the blog design but I suck at it so if there are any kind souls... ;)
One last word?
Thank you Lucile for thinking of me for this new section and thank you to all my readers (and male readers as well, I know there are a few) without whom the blog would not be what it is! ♥
[Bon plan / Good deal]
[Bon plan / Good deal]
Enfin, cette semaine, j'ai reçu plusieurs mails me posant des questions sur iGraal, une des bannières que vous pouvez voir sur la droite de mon blog et aujourd'hui, je viens vous éclairer !
Finally, this week, I received a couple of emails asking me about iGraal, one of the banners you can see on the right and today I will answer everything!
iGraal c'est quoi ?
What is iGraal?
iGraal c'est un site de cashback, c'est-à-dire qu'on vous rembourse une partie de l'argent que vous dépensez en ligne (jusqu'à 40% chez plus de 1400 marchands) ! C'est cool hein ?
iGraal is a cashback site, that is to say that it gives you some of the money you spend online back (up to 40% at more than 1400 sellers)! Pretty cool huh?
iGraal is a cashback site, that is to say that it gives you some of the money you spend online back (up to 40% at more than 1400 sellers)! Pretty cool huh?
Est-ce que ça marche vraiment ?
Et comment ?
Does it really work?
Does it really work?
Tout d'abord, il va falloir s'inscrire sur le site puis je vous conseille d'installer la barre de shopping dans votre navigateur qui va faire tout le boulot à votre place.
First of all, you'll need to register on the website and then, I advise you to add the shopping toolbar in your browser, it will make evrything easier.
First of all, you'll need to register on the website and then, I advise you to add the shopping toolbar in your browser, it will make evrything easier.
Vous faites votre shopping en ligne comme d’habitude et quand quand vous vous trouvez sur un site partenaire, un message d’alerte s’affiche pour vous prévenir. Il suffit d'activer le cashback via ce message avant de valider votre panier et en fonction du site, on vous crédite un pourcentage (ou un montant fixe) sur votre compte iGraal. Rien de plus simple ! Une fois que vous avez atteint 20€ (ce qui arrive très vite), vous pouvez vous verser cet argent sur votre compte en banque ou compte paypal.
You just have to shop at usual and when you are on a partner site, an alert message will pop up. You'll just have to activate the cashback via this message before checking out your basket and depending on the site, you'll be credited a percentage (or a fixed amount) on your iGraal account. Simple! Once yo've reached 20€ (which happen very quickly), you can transfer ths money to your bank account or paypal account.
You just have to shop at usual and when you are on a partner site, an alert message will pop up. You'll just have to activate the cashback via this message before checking out your basket and depending on the site, you'll be credited a percentage (or a fixed amount) on your iGraal account. Simple! Once yo've reached 20€ (which happen very quickly), you can transfer ths money to your bank account or paypal account.
En ce qui concerne les partenaires, le choix est vaste, vous retrouverez, entre autres, des enseignes beauté comme Sephora, Kiko, Marionnaud, Nocibé, Yves Rocher, Douglas ou The Body Shop, des enseignes mode comme Zalando, Asos, Camaieu, ou Celio, des enseignes High-Tech comme Boulanger, Phillips, des enseignes bricolage comme Leroy Merlin ou Castorama ou des enseignes voyages / vacances comme Voyages SNCF, Hotels.com, Booking.com ou Center Parcs...
En plus du cashback, iGraal propose des codes promos cumulables avec le cashback et un comparateur de prix.
Among the partners, you'll find beauty retailers such as Sephora, Kiko, Marionnaud, Nocibé, Yves Rocher, Douglas or The Body Shop, fashion retailers such as Zalando, Asos, Camaieu, ou Celio, Hight-Tech retailers such as Boulanger, Phillips, DIY retailers such as Leroy Merlin or Castorama or travel/holidays such as Voyages SNCF, Hotels.com, Booking.com or Center Parcs...
Moreover, iGraal offers coupon codes and a price comparison tool.
Moreover, iGraal offers coupon codes and a price comparison tool.
Alors convaincu(e)s ?
Si vous n'êtes pas encore inscrit(e)s, c'est le moment ! Vous bénéficiez de 5€ à l'inscription et d'1€ en installant la barre de shopping et si vous utilisez mon lien de parrainage (ce qui me permet de bénéficier d'un petit bonus et d'un pourcentage de vos achats), vous ferez augmenter la cagnotte qui me sert à organiser des concours sur le blog (dans tous les cas, vous êtes gagnant :D) !
Did I convince you?
If you are not registered yet, it's time! You will get 5€ when you register and 1€ when you add the toolbar and if you use my referral link (I will get a little bonus and percentage of your purchases),you will make the pot I use to finance giveaways on the blog grow (you're a winner in any case :D) !
Did I convince you?
If you are not registered yet, it's time! You will get 5€ when you register and 1€ when you add the toolbar and if you use my referral link (I will get a little bonus and percentage of your purchases),you will make the pot I use to finance giveaways on the blog grow (you're a winner in any case :D) !
Voilà pour ce premier volet des "actus à ne pas manquer" cette semaine ! Je ne sais pas encore si cette nouvelle rubrique sera régulière, tout dépendra de ce que j'ai à vous raconter et si ce genre d'article vous plaît, n'hésitez pas à me donner votre avis et me laisser vos questions si vous en avez !
Bonne journée !
That's a wrap for this first 'not to be missed news" this week ! I don't know if I will make these posts often yet, it will depends on what I have to tell you and if you like this kind of posts, feel free to give me your opinion and ask questions if you have any!
Have a nice day!
Have a nice day!

4 Commentaires
Great post, I love the interview, this way I learned about you and your blog more!
RépondreSupprimerGlad you liked it :)
RépondreSupprimersympa ton article.
La box ça peut être utile. Par exemple, en tant que débutant dans ce joli monde du vernis (j'ose pas dire NA avec mes 3 petits ronds sur un ongle ...), c'est pas évident de savoir quoi choisir , m^me si il y a plein de conseils sur les blogs et donc peut-être trop d'info et donc au final que choisir ? donc la réponse peut être dans la boîte.
Merci pour le tuyau igraal. Surtout quelques unes de ces enseignes connaissent ma carte bleue (.... et celle de mon mari si je compte leroymerlin.... oui je sais ça s'appelle se trouver des excuses- oui fausses excuses). Ok je prendrais ton lien de parrainage.
Encore merci et bonne journée
En effet, je pense que c'est un très bon concept cette nouvelle box, vivement qu'elle sorte !
SupprimerMerci à toi pour ta future inscription :)
Bonne soirée !